Vet Nurse

What made you decide to be a veterinary nurse?
- I decided to change career paths to the animal care industry after secretly fostering 2 stray kittens in my dorm room for a month. I couldn’t see myself pursuing any other career long term and I’m very glad I made the switch.
Which aspect of the job do you love most?
- I love how fulfilling it is. Not only do I get to assist animals in the prevention and treatment of illnesses as well as helping people, but also strengthen the bond between them.
Do you have any pets? Tell us something special about your pets!
- I have a cat name Blinx who I fell in love with when she was brought into the clinic after being found stray at just 5 week old. She was born blind and absolutely melted my heart. Blinx gets around the house very well now that she knows the layout and is super curious so I take her for walks on a harness. I also have 2 guinea pigs named Luna and MooMoo who are best friends.
What are your favourite activities for your spare time?
- I love a good adventure and staying active. Going climbing, hiking, running, scuba diving, snorkeling and going to the beach on a sunny day is how I love spending my time.
If you could be an animal, what would you be and why?
- I would love to be a seal because they are basically sea puppies. Being able to swim, play in the water and sunbake is my ideal day so to get to do that everyday would be the best.