To Joyce , Vanessa, Misaki and the wonderful team at Vet Friends…..

Myself, Talia and Caitlin would just like to thank you all for the love, support and dedication you gave our beloved boy Sox over the many years.

Joyce, we will forever be indebted to you for making Sox’s transition over the rainbow bridge to be one filled with the absolute love, dignity and respect he deserved. We know how much you adored him and we know he had a soft spot for you. Your gentleness and compassion towards him in his final moments were one that has left such warmth in our broken hearts. Your compassion towards Caitlin and I will never be forgotten. And as beautifully sad as the experience was, please take solace in knowing that “he chose you” to be the one to let him go. For him, it was the highest compliment he could bestow on a human being. He lived this world with such dignity and you allowed him that very same dignity in passing. He has tattooed his paw print on your heart….xx

Vanessa, we know you and Sox shared a special bond. You knew his mannerisms, his temperament, his little quirks…..his everything. He knew he was one of your favourites. He would listen out for your voice when we waited to see you, his ears propping up when he heard his “Vanessa”…. We cannot thank you enough for all you did for Sox throughout the years. We know how much you loved him, as we know he did you. He was your “perfect” as much as he was ours. He was so blessed to have you in his life. We will cherish the moments he shared with you….xx

Misaki, thank you for always taking the time to ask about Sox and being supportive towards me and the girls. Your compassion, understanding and empathy has helped ease our pain. We know what Sox meant to you and we know how much comfort you had given him over the years…xx

And to all the wonderful staff I haven’t mentioned personally, thank you for being part of such a warm, loving and compassionate family at Vetfriends.

Sox was smart, loving, gentle and so very dignified. He was selfless in his love and remained so, even in his final moments.

We take solace in knowing that he is pouncing through a field of beautiful, lush, long green grass. There is no pain, no discomfort, no sadness…. He is simply, Sox.

And to my beautiful boy Sox, in a world full of people, you picked me. I love you. I adore you. I miss you. Always and Forever. xx

Sox Fisher

1.4.2012 – 1.3.2021

Forever in our hearts..


Di, Talia and Caitlin xxx